

This product allows the door to be opened and closed with the arm or shoulder without having to touch the doorknob with the hand.
While it cannot reduce the probability of infection to zero, it is expected to reduce the risk of contact infection through hands.

Sliding door systems can be purchased in our online store by clicking on “Buy” below the product details.
Sliding door applications are available for pre-order now.
Individual customers can also order from 1 unit.

Arm Handles / opening doors

Product price: 2,680 yen (excluding tax)

>>Click here for a list of doors that can be installed.

Please be sure to check before purchasing.

Arm handles / sliding doors

Product price: 4,800 yen (excluding tax)

 Due to the delay in development, the sales date has been postponed. We apologize for the delay, but please wait a little longer. Please click here for pre-ordering.


Operate by pressing an arm or other object against the product attached to the door handle.

For opening doors

For sliding door

How to install

“It is easy to install, even for those who are not used to using tools. It does not drill a hole in the existing door and will not damage it. It can also be removed when it is no longer in use.”

For opening doors

For sliding door


Since the door can be easily installed on existing doors, it is expected to be an effective countermeasure against virus infection from doors used by an unspecified number of people. Currently, we are designing and manufacturing molds for the sliding door arm handles for mass production, with sales scheduled to begin in the fall of 2020.

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